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The art of making lists: simplify and enrich your daily life

The art of making lists: simplify and enrich your daily life
Aurore Jouval

Making lists is a habit practiced by many of us: shopping list, wish list, task list… The list of to-do lists is long! This can bring many benefits, but be careful not to overdo it. Whether you’re addicted to lists or a beginner “lister”, this article is for you.

Making lists: what is a list?

The list is initially a practical tool, an organizational technique. According to the Larousse dictionnary definition, a list is “a series of words, numbers, names of people, things most often written one below the other. »

Dominique Loreau, author of the guide “The art of lists: simplify, organize, enrich your life”, places this practice as a true art of “living well”. According to her, making lists would allow “to approach the facts with total clarity, and not to forget your dreams by letting yourself be invaded by the hustle and bustle of everyday life. »

The list therefore also has the function of reminding us of our part of imagination and fantasy!

The benefits of making lists

Simplify everyday life

Lists make it easier to manage daily tasks. They make sure that you don’t forget anything, whether for example when going on a trip, or for tasks to be carried out during a working day. Above all, they are: very practical! For example, having prepared your list of things to take or shopping to do allows you, when packing or shopping, to save considerable time and will require less energy and concentration.

Reduce your stress

Lists help reduce stress. Knowing that you have made a list of everything you need to think about allows you to no longer worry about forgetting all these things. Words fly away, writings remain! Thus, lists allow you to lighten your mental load and no longer constantly think about what you have to do.

Bring satisfaction

Lists provide a feeling of accomplishment. When you write something down, the chances of accomplishing that task are much higher. Crossing off a completed task provides an extraordinary feeling of satisfaction, improving motivation and productivity. How delightful it is, isn’t it, to cross off a task that you have just accomplished! And you, have you ever added a task to your list that wasn’t there and that you just accomplished, for the sole pleasure of crossing it off?

Take decisions by making lists

Lists help make decisions. Writing the “for” and “against” on 2 separate lists allows you to compare them, weigh them, put things into perspective and organize your thoughts.

Stay objective, keep your feet on the ground

Lists help highlight what’s really important. Making a gratitude list, for example, can help you focus on what’s really important in your life. Bringing together the small and big joys of everyday life, the gratitude list, little sister of the gratitude booklet, is a tool that can improve well-being.

Promote concentration

Lists improve our concentration skills. They allow us to quickly know where we were after an interruption and limit the time spent wandering.

To see further

Finally, making a list of your dreams, your desires, your memories, big and small, is a good idea to overcome the worries of everyday life and give you direction.



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joli bloc de bureau A5 et A4
bloc quadrillé pour faire des listes
des mini gommes tout en couleur

Making lists… of what ?

Usefull lists

First there are useful lists, those which have a precise function, a concrete goal, a measurable objective, for example:

  • Shopping list to do,
  • Wedding or birth list
  • Task or to do list
  • Check list

Pointless lists

And then, there are less concrete, more fanciful, less down-to-earth lists that help you enjoy life, like:

  • Wish list,
  • List of funny things
  • List of films to watch, books to read
  • List of vacation spots to discover
  • List of gratitudes

Poetic lists

Finally, why not launch yourself into a poetic list, a Prévert-style inventory, of things which a priori have no connection with each other. A list that would only speak to you and would remain mysterious, even absurd, for anyone who reads it.

Making lists: too many lists kills lists!

Be careful not to go overboard. Making lists for everything can become obsessive and counterproductive. When tasks pile up and lengthen the list, the feeling of satisfaction initially sought can give way to a feeling of mental overload and discouragement. A good balance is therefore necessary to avoid becoming a slave to your lists.

Good method for making lists

There is no right or wrong way to make a list since only you will read it. However, some tips may prove useful:

  • Write only doable tasks so you have the pleasure of crossing them off
  • Break down complex or tedious tasks into smaller, concrete tasks to give the impression of greater feasibility
  • Prioritize tasks by categorizing priority tasks, important tasks, routine tasks, etc.
  • Remain flexible, adapt your list according to the vagaries of life
  • Be kind to yourself. Sometimes giving up on crossing out everything…



What you need to be a list pro!

Choosing the right notepads and stationnery accessories is essential. Some will be satisfied with a torn piece of paper or the back of a draft, but others, on the contrary, will appreciate using quality paper, pleasant to the touch, and carefully chosen stationery accessories.

le typographe offers a set of notepads, more or less thick, blank, lined or squared, with patterns or without.

>> Consult the page of notepads offered by le typographe

Pens, pencils, erasers… writing accessories are also important for performing in the art of making lists.

>> Consult the accessories page available at le typographe

accessoires de papeterie de qualité pour faire des listes


Making lists can greatly simplify your life and enrich your daily life. However, it is important to find a balance to prevent this practice from becoming an obsession. By using the right tools and taking a balanced approach, you can get the most out of your lists and improve your organization, productivity and well-being.